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Less than thirty miles east of the Sunrise Bluffs Community stand the Manzano Mountains. Nearly 360 days a year the sun announces the day with sharpness and indescribable color. Those who have lived in Belen for many years often say the best New Mexican weather is here in the Hub City. The four seasons are distinct but not extreme. Nearly all snow is crested on the Manzano Mountains. And as the sun sets in the West at dusk, it illuminates the Mountain foothills and brings a serene ending to the day.

The video, below, is a drone tour of Sunrise Bluffs and the Common Areas. For additional details, please click on the link below the video.

Click here to read additional details on the Sunrise Bluffs Common Area.

Common Area Details Link

Come and visit us in The Land of Enchantment; hear the distant train whistles, enjoy the mountain vistas; and experience the rich culture and strong heritage of New Mexico!

For a quick video tour of Sunrise Bluffs, click on the photos, below

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